Guide to Genesis (canceled)
Sacred History/Pentateuch
Sacred History is a narrative that retells events in primeval and mythic history
The Pentateuch is the collection of five books that comprise the Law of Moses.
*Moses is the assumed author in the narrative. However, authorship for most Biblical books is inconclusive.
Time Covered
The Beginning – 1800 BC*
*All Dates Are Approximate, according to the narrative of the Bible. These dates may reflect literary significance as opposed to the precise dates of history.
A Greek word meaning “origin” or “beginning.” In the book of Genesis we find an account of many beginnings, such as the creation of the earth, the placing of animals and man thereon, the introduction of sin, the revelation of the gospel to Adam, the beginning of tribes and races, the origin of various languages at Babel, and the beginning of the Abrahamic family leading to the establishment of the house of Israel. Joseph’s role as a preserver of Israel is also given emphasis. The structure of the book of Genesis rests on several genealogies. Each new section begins “These are the generations,” and there follows a genealogical list of certain portions of family history. LDS Bible Dictionary
Historical Settings
Read bios of the people in this book.

Read about places mentioned in this book.

Bailey, Arthur A. “What Modern Revelation Teaches about Adam.” Ensign.
Barney, Kevin L. “Examining Six Key Concepts in Joseph Smith’s Understanding of Genesis 1:1.” BYU Studies.
———. “Joseph Smith’s Emendation of Hebrew Genesis 1:1.” Dialogue.
Dozeman, Thomas B. “The Authorship of the Pentateuch.” Dialogue.
Flake, Kathleen. “Evil’s Origins and Evil’s End in the Joseph Smith Translation of Genesis.” Sunstone.
Hallen, Cynthia L. “Rebekah.” Ensign.
Jackson, Kent P. The Restored Gospel and the Book of Genesis.
Jeffery, Duane E. “Noah’s Flood: Modern Scholarship and Mormon Traditions.” Sunstone.
Jorgensen, B. W. “Scriptural Chastity Lessons: Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife; Corianton and Harlot Isabel.” Dialogue.
Madsen, David H. “Jacob and Esau.” Ensign.
Mauss, Armand L. “In Search of Ephraim: Traditional Mormon Conceptions of Lineage and Race.” Journal of Mormon History.
Nelson, Russell M. “The Creation.” Ensign.
Parry, Donald W. “The Flood and the Tower of Babel.” Ensign.
Ricks, Stephen D. “Ancient Views of Creation and the Doctrine of Creation ex Nihilo.” Revelation, Reason, and Faith.
Romney, Joseph B. “Noah, the Great Preacher of Righteousness.” Ensign.
Seely, David Rolph. “Genesis 15 in Light of the Restoration.” Revelation, Reason, and Faith.
Skinner, Andrew C. “Jacob in the Presence of God.” Sperry Symposium Classics.
———. “Jacob: Keeper of Covenants.” Ensign.
Strathearn, Gaye. “The Wife/Sister Experience: Pharaoh’s Introduction to Jehovah.” Sperry Symposium Classics.
Tvedtnes, John A., Brian Hauglid, and John Gee. Traditions about the Early Life of Abraham.
Woodford, Robert J. “In the Beginning: A Latter-day Perspective.” Ensign.
Wright, Dennis A. “None Were Greater: A Restoration View of Melchizedek.”